« 60 Second chrono » is a French game show broadcasted between July 2012 and March 2013 on M6. It is the adaptation of the American game Minute to Win It broadcasted on NBC. The program is presented by Alex Goude and the voiceover is provided by Virginia Durandet.
Candidates who play in teams tackle challenges with everyday objects; Each challenge must be managed in 60 seconds. A total of 78 challenges were selected by the production.
The program is presented by Alex Goude and the voiceover is provided by Virginia Durandet.
The music of the show was created by Haris Berberian, except for the music used for the “challenges leaders” (Classic One of Fabrizio Pigliucci).
Production : SHINE
Broadcast : M6
Music/Sound Design : Haris Berberian – OXYS Music