Capturing the soul of a song in a different and unique way is a real art.

To compose in a wide range of music, from films to Electro-Pop, you need sensitivity, experience, creativity and imagination. And a certain ability that can only be achieved by the practice of 20 years.

Above all, the creation of music is based on trust and collaboration. If you are an artist, and you lend your work and your credibility to a composer, orchestrator or sound engineer, can become a big scary case!  But, if done right, it can change the lives of everyone involved. We use this foundation of trust to create even stronger and more effective relationships between artists to finally realize their projects.

We also put at their disposal a whole professional team of external collaborators to definitively reach their goal.

Musicians and choristers, graphic designers, photographers, directors, video editors. Finally, all they need as to perfect their image in addition to their music.



In addition, we provide, here in our space, a shooting studio of 55m2, with a Cyclo 3 faces,  put at their service, to make their photo shoots and video-clips.



More info: 09 63 53 84 60